The main benefits of getting a massage

The main benefits of getting a massage

Like most people, you probably think of massages as a luxury. Something nice to do every once in a while, but not necessary. Well, I'm here to tell you that massages are a lot more important and beneficial to your health than you might think. Here are just a few of the main benefits of getting regular massages:

  • Lowers stress levels and encourages relaxation: Massage therapy not only relaxes people by easing tension, pain and stress but also increases their moods. It does this through several different mechanisms including increasing serotonin levels which help you maintain balance while feeling productive or focused; boosting oxytocin (the cuddly hormone) that makes us feel contented after being nurturing - physically AND emotionally-as well as lessening anxiety symptoms due to its ability improve cardiovascular health

  • Promotes better sleep: You know that sleep is important for your immune system and reduces the chance of life-threatening illnesses, right? Well, try adding some massage to your bedtime routine. This will help you get those zzz's all night long!

  • Manages Pain: Going for a massage can sometimes be seen as a luxury, but Harvard Medical School shares that, it’s a ‘legitimate therapy’ for many painful conditions. Massage therapy is an effective way to relieve pain because it can stretch tight muscles, and reduce stress and anxiety levels all while possibly helping “close the gate” on your brain so you won't be able to receive more messages from those around us telling us that something hurts. 

  • Improves your immune system: The benefits of massage are undeniable, from boosting our immune system to removing excess toxins. The increased blood flow it causes means we feel better all over.

  • Helps with depression and anxiety: It's been shown time and again that this ancient therapy can help improve your mood, reduce stress levels in the workplace and among other things. Mental health experts believe it positively affects many aspects of our mental well-being; most recently depression symptoms were reduced by Women diagnosed with breast cancer after having regular sessions three times per week. 

  • Improves circulation: Without blood circulation, our bodies would not have the ability to deliver nutrients and oxygen throughout each cell. Even though it may seem like a simple process at first glance - just sending red juice through your veins- there's so much more going on. The heart pumps out this liquid while also removing waste from different organs for them all to receive their proper amounts of nourishment. A lot goes into keeping you healthy every day: food arrives smoothly onto plates; cells are bathed with ample supplies of vitamins A & E as well as carbon dioxide we breathe

  • Improves flexibility: Massage therapy can improve how flexible you are by making your joints more fluid and less likely to experience injury.

So, as you can see, massage is an excellent therapy that can help with both your mental and physical well-being.

You’ve learned about some of the many benefits that come from getting a massage. If you’re looking to improve your health in several ways, then consider visiting us. We offer different types of massages that can help you relax and feel better. Come see us today and discover the benefits for yourself!


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