Massage Woodland Hills - Spa Day Organic

Why do massages feel so good?

Why does a Spa massage feel so good for your body and mind?

There are many benefits to getting a massage. For one, it can help to improve circulation and increase flexibility.

It also helps to relieve stress and tension headaches. In addition, it can give you a sense of well-being and relaxation.

It can also help to reduce pain in muscles and joints. All of these benefits make a massage an excellent choice for anyone

looking to improve their overall health and well-being.

Your Awareness Shifts.

As you settle onto the massage table, remaining still, you can focus on the rhythm of your own breath, quieting your mind

and letting your thoughts pass by. You’re truly engaging in the moment—otherwise known as mindfulness. Mindfulness is a

state of awareness that brings your attention to the present situation and helps regulate emotions and boost body awareness.

When you’re practicing mindfulness, the areas of your brain associated with emotions—particularly the insula and prefrontal

cortex—become less active, causing you to become less reactive. You’re able to detach your feelings and just observe your

thought process as you remain engaged in the current experience.

Massages help your brain release chemicals that make you feel good and reduce pain.

There are many different types of massages, but all of them share the goal of helping you feel relaxed and improving your

overall wellbeing. Massages can be done by professional massage therapists, or you can give yourself a massage at home.

If you're interested in trying out massage therapy, make sure to find a reputable therapist who can help you choose the right

type of massage for your needs.

Your Brain Responds to Smells and Aromas.

Many massage professionals use aromatherapy during their treatments by applying fragrant essential oils to your bare skin.

These oils complement the therapist’s soothing touch and they smell good, but they also stimulate specific brain activity. 

Thanks to massages, your body and mind can function better.

After a massage you will feel more relaxed, your muscles will be less tense and you will sleep better. These are only some of

the benefits that massages can have on our body.

There's nothing like a Spa Day to make you feel relaxed and rejuvenated. Thanks to our team of highly skilled masseuses,

you'll be feeling better in no time. Massages have been shown to improve circulation, relieve stress and tension headaches,

and boost your immune system. With our organic products, you can be sure that you're getting the most out of your massage.

So come and visit us today for the ultimate Spa Day Organic experience. You won't regret it!


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